2786 North Decatur Road, Suite 230, Decatur, Ga 30033
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Preventative Diagnostics

Diagnostic testing and evaluation is an important component to understand how your body’s processes are functioning. Understanding the root cause of the disease state is critical to achieving optimal wellness.
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Testing Services We Provide

Blood Work

Conventional blood testing could be used, but interpreted with a functional perspective as the laboratory ranges might not fully show the dysfunction or imbalance corresponding to the symptoms.

Ankle Brachial Index

Ankle Brachial Index, also known as ABI, is a quick way to check for peripheral artery disease, which might be the cause of leg cramping or pain with exertion. It compares the blood pressure of your ankle and compares it to the blood pressure of your arm. If the ABI number is low, it can indicate a form of narrowing of the arteries in your legs, which puts you at increased risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

Advanced Cardiovascular Screening

Advanced Cardiovascular screening can offer a more complete picture of your health than just a regular lipid panel. It includes the lipoprotein subfractions to look at the LDL and HDL particle number and size. In addition, apolipoproteins and inflammation markers are tested to catch cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome at a much earlier stage.

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis is a method to estimate the body’s composition of body fat and muscle mass. It utilizes a weak electric current to flow through the body and measure the resistance of the body. Most of the water in the body is stored in muscle. So a more muscular person will likely have more body water and lower impedance. This in turn will be able to calculate estimates of body mass, body weight, and body fat.

Carotid Ultrasound

Carotid Ultrasound is a safe procedure that uses sound waves to visualize blood flow through the carotid arteries in the sides of the neck. These arteries deliver blood from the heart to the brain and when narrowed or blocked by a buildup of plaque, can increase the risk of stroke or transient ischemic attacks. If you have medical conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, coronary artery disease, heart disease, or strokes, your doctor might recommend a carotid ultrasound to screen for those narrowed blood vessels.


Electrocardiogram, also known as EKG or ECG, measures electrical signals of the heartbeat. Sensors or electrodes can quickly monitor heart rhythm as the timing and strength of signals travel through your heart.

Neurocognitive Testing

Neurocognitive testing measures brain function through digital tests to assess attention, language, memory, concentration, perception, and reaction time. It is noninvasive and doesn’t take too much time. Most importantly, it can help detect dementia early on. It gets a great look at brain health objectively and can compare your brain age to the rest of the population or to one of your previous tests.

Pulmonary Function Testing

Pulmonary Function Tests, also known as PFT, are non invasive tests that can measure lung volume, rate of oxygen flow, and gas exchange and give a good idea of how your lungs are functioning.


A limited echocardiogram measures heart function and the heart wall thickness to rule in or out different types of heart diseases. If you have medical conditions like high blood pressure, dizziness, high cholesterol, smoking history, or heart disease, your doctor might recommend an echocardiogram to screen for heart abnormalities.

Thyroid Ultrasound

Thyroid ultrasound uses safe sound waves to screening the thyroid for benign and non-benign thyroid nodules or goiters. If you have lumps or enlarged masses on your throat, it's good to scan the thyroid to catch the changes early on so that you can prevent its worsening.

Photoplethysmography Analysis

Photoplethysmography is a simple vascular optic measurement that can detect blood volume differences in tissue beds with very small vasculature. It is a good diagnostic screening tool to gain insight into the cardiovascular system through analysis of the pulse wave, oxygen saturation, blood pressure, and cardiac output.

Heart Rate Variability Analysis

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is the variation in the time interval between heartbeats that can be measured in milliseconds. It is influenced by exercise, hormones, stress, metabolism, and is regulated by the autonomic nervous system. When relaxed, heart rate variability should be increased and when stressed it is decreased. However when a person undergoes chronic stress and the body stays in a sympathetic overtone fighting state, their heart rate variability can stay low even at rest. Higher HRV is associated with a healthy heart and lifestyle. So finding out if you have low HRV can be motivating you to change your lifestyle.

Sudomotor Neuropathy Testing

Sudomotor testing is a fast and accurate way of detecting early stage neuropathy in metabolic diseases. The fibers that innervate the autonomic nervous system and sweat glands are long and thin and can be impaired first in diseases like diabetes mellitus. Therefore this test applies a low voltage of current to your hands and soles of feet where the density of the sweat glands are greatest, and then captures information that will be able to show peripheral or autonomic neuropathy or healthy nerve innervation.

Aorta Ultrasound

Aorta Ultrasound is a safe procedure that uses sound waves to visualize blood flow from the heart to the rest of the body. The aorta has a propensity to develop ballooning or aneurysms that could potentially be life threatening. If you have medical conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, smoking history, heart disease, or strokes, your doctor might recommend an aorta ultrasound to screen for aorta aneurysms.


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